July 14, 2023 · You Oughta Know

Shipping Delays

Let us Help!

You probably have heard about the looming UPS strike. If you haven’t, the short of it is that negotiations between the company and teamsters have broken down on both sides and, with a deadline of July 30, a strike seems imminent.

CNN reported on the numbers, stating that a 10-day strike would hit affected businesses at a cost of $4.6 billion. The disruption, if realized, will have an effect on all business, especially small businesses and those in production and fulfillment, with few if any viable work-arounds.

There are steps that can be taken right now to mitigate the effects for the most urgent of deadlines.

Bergman is already bracing for the impact and helping our clients prepare.

  • Expediting order placement
  • Product change recommendations
  • Shortening production time
  • Managing logistics
  • Ensuring orders change carriers

Additionally our team is currently working on existing orders to move them accordingly so a package doesn’t get stuck in a hub if a shutdown occurs.

In short, we are proactively making adjustments to minimize the impact on our clients and their events.

Please reach out to your account team to discuss projects or concerns.

We’re the experts, lean on us!